Honoring Veterans at Sedgebrook



Sedgebrook has been home to many veterans over the years and we are honored to be able to share the stories of Steve, Jim, and Grant.

Steve Gold

Meet Steve Gold who embarked on an unforgettable journey to Washington, D.C. with The Honor Flight Network on Saturday, September 9th. Steve was honored for his 13 months of service in the Army during the Vietnam War.



Grant Duncan 

Grant Duncan, a remarkable World War II Marine Corps veteran, celebrated his 100th birthday this October 23rd. When asked how he feels about turning 100, he said “I feel amazing and amazed! I can’t believe I’ve made it this long.”

Grant’s service to our country is truly inspiring, and as his centennial celebration, our community is honored to recognize his remarkable accomplishments.

“I’m honored to have been able to serve my country and it’s a time in my life that I find very important,” said Grant.

Grant moved to Sedgebrook in 2005 and enjoys the opportunity to connect with other residents.

“I have so many great memories of my time here and find that the staff have always been very helpful and accommodating,” said Grant.


Jim Swab

Jim proudly served in the U.S. Marines for 31 years in a variety of assignments: the 1st Marine Division at Camp Pendleton, CA; Vietnam, Okinawa; an aircraft carrier in San Diego; Hawaii; the NATO staff in Norway; and at the U.S. Naval Academy. 

His remarkable journey also included a memorable moment with President Kennedy during his visit to an aircraft carrier in California on June 6, 1963. 

When asked what it means to have served his country for 31 years, Jim said “It’s what we’re supposed to do. We’ve been put here to serve in some way and I chose the best-the Marine Corps.”

His favorite tour in his military career was at Camp Pendleton. 

“I was in the explosive ordnance disposal commonly called the bomb squad at Camp Pendleton in California for three years. The men I served with were awesome! I also enjoyed serving on the faculty in the U.S. Naval Academy for four years and of course Norway was awesome,” said Grant.

Jim and his wife moved to Sedgebrook in 2012. 

“It’s the smartest move we ever made. In the first six months, I made more friends here than the 25 years in my previous town. My wife passed away over five years ago, but I have a wonderful community here.”


We thank all Veterans for their sacrifice and service.



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