Ways Senior Living Communities Promote Health and Wellness

Aging well requires us to find true balance in all aspects of our health. It’s not just about being able to climb a flight of stairs without losing our breath or knowing we can keep up in a game of pickleball, although those things are desirable. We need to cultivate feelings, values and attitudes that contribute to a positive outlook on life, and find opportunities to expand our knowledge, with time for activities and hobbies that pique our interest. We need to develop quality relationships that give us a sense of social connectedness while also nurturing a personal sense of purpose and meaning that sustains us.   

What would you say if you could find all these benefits in one place? A retirement community like Sedgebrook offers a holistic approach to senior wellness. Programs like ours are designed to improve quality of life, encourage social connection, and keep your body and brain youthful.


Older bodies have special fitness needs, and exercise classes in a senior living community are designed specifically for those needs. From tai chi to chair yoga to aquatic exercise, senior wellness classes promote flexibility, core strength and balance while reducing stress on joints. At Sedgebrook, we partner with the National Institute for Fitness and Sport to provide dynamic senior wellness programs. We offer a 24-hour fitness center with two personal trainers and group classes, an aquatic center, activity-focused clubs, and priority access to on-site physical therapy. Soak in the hot tub, hike along the walking trails, book a massage — our wonderful amenities and services will help you feel good from top to toe.


Spark a new interest or deepen one you already have with lifelong learning. Activities offered in a senior living community now include intellectually stimulating topics such as literature, history, technology and music, along with cultural excursions, events, games and committees. Sedgebrook residents are well-traveled, highly accomplished and curious folk who thirst for a better understanding of the world around them. We have more than 90 affinity groups and clubs that engage and explore their interests, including books, bridge, billiards and more.


We’re all looking for meaning and purpose in life. Whether you follow traditional religion or have your own spiritual practice, it’s important to live your values in a way that’s true to you. Sedgebrook offers weekly services for many different faiths — e.g., Catholic Mass, Evangelical Christian worship, interfaith services, Jewish Shabbat and more. We also provide transportation to services and houses of worship, and residents participate in many faith-based activities, including our religious and interfaith councils and Bible study groups.


Our nutritional needs change with age, and we may also develop special dietary needs due to certain health conditions. Sitting down to a mealtime with friends is also a way to lift our spirits and share interesting conversations. At Sedgebrook, we consider good-tasting, health-giving food a big part of senior wellness, and our residents couldn’t agree more! We offer two dining venues and a café market so there’s always access to freshly prepared, healthy food. Our chefs and nutritionists take the guesswork out of what to eat for better health and also accommodate a range of dietary limitations.


If you feel lonely, you’re not alone. The AARP reports a quarter to just over a third of American seniors feel lonely or isolated. And loneliness has a serious impact on senior wellness; it’s as physically damaging as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and a significant risk factor for dementia, heart disease and depression. Older adults who choose to live in a senior living community have ready access to sociable neighbors and a socially connected lifestyle. Sedgebrook brings the whole community together with events, activities and clubs encouraging the building and strengthening of friendships. In our close-knit community, you’ll join other active seniors for whom loneliness is a thing of the past.

About Sedgebrook

We’re committed to empowering senior wellness in all its forms. Schedule a visit to our upscale (but never uptight) senior living community in Lincolnshire, Illinois. Discover our services, amenities and comfortable residences, and a welcoming culture where it’s easy to thrive. Call 847-865-8811 today.

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