Volunteer Opportunities for Seniors near Lincolnshire and North Shore

You know that volunteering is great for the community, but did you know it’s great for you as well? When senior volunteers give back, your efforts are rewarded not only with positive effects on others, but also with physical and mental benefits for you.

Benefits of Volunteering as a Senior

Get Healthier
A report published in 2019 by the Corporation for National and Community Service showed significant improvements in mental and physical wellness of volunteers in their Senior Corps programs. These senior volunteers reported better health, lower rates of depression, and fewer feelings of isolation.

Stay Active
Working for a cause has the added benefit of keeping you moving. You can choose heavily physical activities like building houses or walking rescue dogs, or you can find a more relaxed job like planting or weeding gardens for the Lincolnshire Garden Club. volunteer opportunities for seniors that can offer you a healthy amount of activity.

Make Young Friends
Working toward a common goal is a great way to meet younger friends, and intergenerational friendships are valuable for everyone involved. According to a 2008 report from the Oxford Institute of Population Aging and a 2016 study published in BioMed Research International, when older and younger generations work and learn together, each generation feels more understood and valued.
Older friends gain exposure to new technology and new ways of thinking, and youngsters learn about traditions and culture.

Feel a Sense of Purpose
Dedicate your talents to causes you believe in and find a renewed sense of purpose. A 2018 study from Health Management confirms that finding and pursuing purpose in life is a key factor in aging successfully. It improves your general outlook and helps you overcome obstacles. Realizing a sense of purpose can be a deeply personal pursuit, but it’s helpful to consider what you’re already passionate about — children’s welfare, the environment, education, religious beliefs, civics, homelessness, animals, whatever speaks to you — and discover what you can do to make a difference.

Connect to Community
Volunteering helps battle senior isolation, one of the most serious health issues facing the older population. A USCF study found strong correlations between a sense of loneliness and mental and physical decline, and even a risk of death. When you join in volunteer opportunities for seniors, you get out of your house and interacting with your community. As a bonus, when you spend more time out in your community, you start to feel safer and more comfortable there.

Discover Your Cause

You may already have an organization you’re eager to volunteer for, but if you’re looking for inspiration, here are several North Shore volunteer opportunities to look into. Find an organization that fits your interests and skills and reach out — chances are, they’ll be glad to hear from you.

North Shore Volunteer Opportunities

As you can see, there is great need for senior volunteers in the North Shore area, or even right here, at Sedgebrook. To learn more about volunteering in Lincolnshire, use our Contact form.


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